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What Is A Non-Surgical Facelift?

30 November 2020 | Ahmed Al Saraf

What Is A Non-Surgical Facelift?

A non-surgical facelift is a cosmetic procedure, that uses dermal fillers and Botox injections to lift the face and reduce facial lines, dark circles, hollow cheeks and the appearance of jowls. At Omniyla Clinic, London, non-surgical facelift treatments are non-invasive and incorporate a whole face, rejuvenation programme. Non-surgical facelifts, also known as an 8-point facelift, have been perfected at Omniya Clinic.

Loss of volume around one's cheek and jowl area is known to be one of the most common signs of ageing. Facial ageing causes a loss of volume resulted in the sagging of skin. This loss of volume can cause a ripple effect on the rest of the face such as the nasolabial fold (lines from the nose to the corner of the mouth), and marionette lines (lines from the corners of the mouth to the chin). Previously, surgical facelifts were recommended for such facial ageing, however, over time the development of non-surgical facelifts has resulted in the use of botox injections and dermal fillers, now known as the best non-surgical facelift treatment.

What Can You Expect To Achieve From A Non-Surgical Facelift?

What you will achieve will be entirely dependent on the desired outcomes. Our expert Clinicians will arrange a pre-treatment consultation and discuss at length, the look you would like to achieve. Our clinicians will study your face and discuss with you the treatment options according to what you are looking for. Examples of what you can hope to achieve include, but are not limited to:

  • Reduce the appearance of bags under the eyes and dark rings
  • More pronounced cheekbones
  • Reduce the appearance of jowls
  • Redefine and narrow the jawline
  • Reduce frown lines of the forehead
  • Fill the folds that appear between the cheek and nose (nasolabial folds)
  • Reduce laughter lines around the mouth or eyes
  • Improve the volume of the chin
  • Reduce creases in the forehead
  • Lift the corners of the mouth
  • Reduce the appearance of crow’s feet around the eyes

Is It Safe And Are There Any Side Affects?

Both the use of Botox and dermal fillers are considered very safe to use in cosmetics treatment. The use of Botox was originally used for medical interventions and expanded safely into the cosmetics industry. Modern dermal fillers widely use hyaluronic acid, naturally produced in our own skin and so the risk of an allergic reaction is very low.

Typically you may feel a little sore and present with red skin around the site of the injections and some patients may experience a little bruising at the injections site; these effects should pass within a couple of days.

Any form of treatment can bring with it contraindications; however, our expert practitioners will talk you through the treatment at the pre-treatment consultation. Full details of post-treatment care will be provided. At Omniya our clinicians will support you every step of the way to make your journey as comfortable as possible.

How Long Will My Non-Surgical Facelift Last?

The results of the treatment will largely be dependent on each individual patient and the condition of the skin pre-treatment. Our qualified practitioners at Omniya Clinic, London are professionally trained in non surgical facelift treatments; therefore, you can rest assured that you are in safe hands. The cosmetics industry is largely unregulated and often poor results occur due to inexperienced practitioners. Our clinicians are fully trained and will ensure you receive only the best treatment plan for what you are looking for. Typically results can last from 6 months to 18 months; some patients would say even longer. Repeated treatment will lead to longer periods between treatments.

What Are The 8 Points Of A Non-Surgical Facelift?

At Omniya Clinic, we recommend and provide advice on natural-looking results. Our non-surgical facelift focuses on full-face rejuvenation, instead of only specific areas. The points of the face included in a non-surgical facelift are; cheekbones, tear troughs, nasolabial fold, mouth,  jowls, jawline and lower cheek area. This approach ensures a full-facelift creating a younger, rejuvenated look.

How Much Does A Non-Surgical Facelift Cost?

At Omniya, non-Surgical facelifts start from £750 but vary depending on the Dr who performs the procedure. Please see our Non-Surgical Facelift page for information on our D's and treatment overview.

Ahmed Al Saraf

Ahmed Al Saraf, co-founder and Superintendent Pharmacist of Omniya Clinic, brings decades of knowledge in functional and hormone medicine, aesthetic treatments, and cutting-edge pharmaceutical practices. Under his guidance, Omniya has become a leading clinic for patients seeking advanced aesthetic, medical, hormone related therapies and pharmaceutical services. Ahmed’s dedication to expanding the clinic’s healthcare vision continues to drive Omniya’s success and innovation in the field.

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