3a Montpelier Street, Knightsbridge, London, SW7 1EX

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Nutritional Therapy

at Omniya Clinic in London

We are what we eat – how many times have you heard this phrase and wondered how true this saying is? Science has long revealed that we are, indeed, what we consume, which makes nutrition exceptionally important, especially as the food and drink we consume directly affect our health. Why not ensure you are doing the best you can for your physical and mental health, or see if you could improve your health with the assistance of our Nutritional therapy services here in our London clinic.

Whether you’re looking to improve your skin, your digestion or even mental alertness, good nutrition is paramount. Nutritional therapy from the experts at Omniya Cliniccould not only address certain health concerns but could also help improve your general health, boosting your immune system and helping you feel the best you can.

nutritional therapy consultation with patient and doctor

What is nutritional therapy?

Food is the fuel of the human body. When we complete any action, whether that is a hard session at the gym or resting in front of the TV, our bodies expend energy. The food we eat is used by the body to create more energy, storing it as fat and also in muscles and other organs. Our systems are delicately balanced. It doesn’t take much to ‘knock out’ our normal rhythm. Even a short period of ill-health can leave us feeling and looking drained. We are given information on which are the best foods to eat from various sources. A message we have all come to know and understand is the need to include five portions of fruit or veg in our diet daily. These should be different types as well as being the right amount, or at least meet the minimum portion as laid out by the guidelines.

There are many other messages given to us about the food we eat too. For example, we should also be eating less red meat and more oily fish. There is the thorny issue of where our food comes from, how it is treated, additives added and processed before it reaches the supermarket shelves. These are ‘blanket messages’. In other words, the advice is based on research that is based on ‘averages’. What it doesn’t take into account is our individuality. We know that we should consume less red meat but that still implies we should be eating it. Oily fish is high in good fat but it doesn’t take into account that your digestive system may be unable to process some of the minerals and fats it contains, leading to your feeling sluggish or bloated.

We are all truly unique. Our genetic maps are different and that means how our body reacts to certain stimuli in the environment is different. That’s why you may have an allergy to certain foods but your sibling can eat anything. The role and the depth of the effects foods can have on us individually remain largely unanswered but research and science are starting to give us answers. This means we are now beginning to understand why some people need more of some kind of minerals than others.

We are also beginning to understand the significant role that diet and nutrition plays in managing chronic conditions. Referred to as ‘personalised nutrition’ this looks at someone’s likes and dislikes, as well as identifying food sensitivities. When we know what these are, we can change our diet accordingly, something that can have amazing results to energy levels as well as our we feel about ourselves too.

TRT consultation at Omniya

Why use nutritional therapy?

The first thing to make clear is that consulting a nutritional therapist is not just about losing weight although, with a change in diet, this may be a happy result as well as feeling more energised. If you want a personalised approach to nutrition, consulting with a nutritional therapist is key. There is evidence to support that take a nutrition and lifestyle approach to healthcare is far more beneficial to a one-size-fits-all approach. The latter can prove to be detrimental to anyone seeking or needing to make a significant change to their diet.

Nutritional therapy supports the health of all major systems in the body including the skeleton, muscles, the nervous system, respiratory systems as well as cardiovascular health. It also supports the immune system as well as integumentary systems, that is hair, skin and nails. Essentially, nutritional therapy seeks to balance these systems with our psychological well-being, optimising our health across all these systems and do so by working on a client-by-client basis. In other words, nutritional therapy is all about you.

Overview of nutritional therapy

varies per patient

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Procedure time

Consultation 45 minutes

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Treatment price

Initial consultation £350

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Number of sessions

Ongoing care

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Back to work

Same day

Treatments performed by

Dr Sohère Roked

Dr Sohère Roked


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Dr Amalia Annaradnam

Dr Amalia Annaradnam


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Dr Nora Al Saraf

Dr Nora Al Saraf


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What are the benefits of nutritional therapy?

Understanding just how much nutritional therapy can benefit you is key when deciding as to whether this is the right course of action for you. There are several key benefits to nutritional therapy including:

  • A healthier immune system – A complex system that is continually working to keep us healthy, the immune systems faces all kinds of pressures. As well as environmental factors, the food we eat also impacts on how well our immune system can fight off bacteria, pathogens, virus and other components that make us ill. Boosting your immune system with a balanced, healthy diet is a key benefit of nutritional therapy.
  • Increased energy levels – A healthier, balanced diet specifically created for you can lead to better energy levels. If you suffer from a post-lunch slump, for example, a change in what you eat can alleviate this.
  • Balanced hormones – There are many reasons why our hormones become imbalanced but one contributing factor could be a diet that is deficient in some nutrients but weighted heavily towards another. A personalised nutrition plan will re-balance nutritional intake.
  • Food intolerances – We don’t always realise that we are intolerant to food until that is, we eliminate it and substitute it for another food type. Food allergies cause a reaction in the immune system which can, in the case of anaphylaxis, be very serious. Food intolerance means we are unable to process a certain food well enough. And when we can’t breakdown a substance or access the nutrients contained within it, it leads to ‘symptoms’ such as feeling sluggish, stomach-ache and so on.
  • Improved digestive system – Again, you may not realise the pressure your digestive system is under until you have enjoyed your nutritional plan. You will notice the difference, sometimes within a few days of following your new plan.
  • Improved sleep – You may not realise that the food you consume affects your sleep pattern. This isn’t just about getting to sleep, but sleeping for seven to eight hours, enjoying a deep, restful sleep pattern that sees you wake up refreshed and ready for the day ahead. Small dietary changes can have a big impact.
  • Weight loss – It may or may not be your main aim but losing weight in a way that is managed and healthy is a welcome benefit enjoyed by many clients of nutritional therapy.
  • Help with skin conditions – Like all illnesses and conditions, your diet may not be the cause of your skin condition but a balanced diet will certainly help to control and manage it. Some skin conditions are the result of an unbalanced diet, however, and will disappear when a new, nutritious way of eating is introduced to you.
  • Improved overall physical health – From plumper, hydrated skin to manageable hair to feeling physically better, nutritional therapy will impact on our overall physical health.
  • Helps mental health too – How we feel about ourselves contributes to our self-esteem. When you are in control and making better decisions about the food you eat, your mental health is given a boost too. You may find bouts of depression are less crippling and your self-confidence soars.

Nutritional therapy FAQs

Who is nutritional therapy for?

It is for everybody, from people who simply want to check they are eating a balanced diet right for them to others who help to manage a chronic condition.

Can pregnant women benefits from nutritional therapy?

Pregnancy has a major impact on the body with nutrition being key is helping the body through these monumental changes. Nutritional therapy can certainly help you during these difficult changing times.

At what age can you access nutritional therapy?

Age is not a factor nor a barrier to nutritional therapy. It is useful at every juncture in life.

Are there illnesses and conditions that nutritional therapy can’t help?

Often used to help manage conditions, therapists are highly trained professionals who are constantly updating their knowledge and practice. They can help to manage many conditions or symptoms through nutritional advice.

Should I stop taking medication with nutritional therapy?

Your doctor is the professional to consult about your medication and a therapist will often not ask you to alter your dose or stop taking medication prescribed. They may give you guidance to speak with the practitioner who did prescribe it if they believe it is causing nutritional issues.


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