Welcome to Omniya Clinic’s guide to your Moxi treatment. Below, you will find comprehensive contraindications, pre-care and post-care information for your treatment. If you have any questions, please contact our reception team who will be happy to assist you.
Medical History
If it is your first time seeing an aesthetician at Omniya Clinic please click here to fill out your Medical History Form in advance of your appointment.
Upon making an appointment, an account will be created for you. Please select 'Yes, I've already got a profile!' and then 'recover password' and you will receive an email to set a new password - please check your Spam/Junk folder.
Please note: If there are any medical changes or if you have been taking any new medication since the last time you visited us, please inform us before you attend the clinic to ensure you are still suitable to have the treatment.
The Moxi (1927 nm laser) is contraindicated for you if you are or have:
- Intolerance to anesthetic based topical agents
- Infectious disease
- Connective tissue disease
- A propensity for keloid scar formations
- Immunocompromised or have compromised healing
- On long-standing systemic steroids (e.g. Prednisone, Dexamethasone)
- Pregnant
- Used isotretinoin (Accutane) within the last 6-12 months
- A medical condition that may affect wound healing.
Pre Treatment Instructions
- Stop using prescribed retinoids (tretinoin) or other prescription grade actives such as Benzoyl Peroxide 2 weeks prior to treatment.
- Avoid retinol, exfoliating acids and any other active skincare 5-7 days before your treatment, depending on strength
- Avoid waxing the area 7 days prior to treatment.
- Avoid using fake tan on the skin 2 weeks prior to the treatment
- Allow 2 weeks since any injectable treatments (Dermal fillers, Botox)
Post Treatment Instructions & Expectations
Please note the below reported instructions, expectations and advice:
- Feeling of Warmth - the treated area may be warm for 1-2 hours after the treatment. Warmth may continue for 12-24 hours after the treatment. Cold compresses may provide comfort during this time. Also, a mineral water spray might provide some relief and much needed moisture to the skin.
- Redness is normal and expected. Redness can persist for up to 7 days depending on the intensity of treatment. Use gentle cleansers and keep your skin moisturized and out of the sun which will allow your skin time to heal and limit further stress on your skin.
- MENDs (microscopic epidermal necrotic debris) will appear on the 2nd or 3rd day after treatment as tiny dark spots and bronzed appearance to the treated skin. MENDs are part of the healing process where treated tissue is working its way out of your body as new fresh skin is regenerated. During this time, your skin will be very dry and feel like sandpaper before flaking and peeling off. Keep your skin well moisturized to support the healing process. Do not pick at your skin.
- Swelling can occur and is typically expected immediately after treatment. Use of a cold compress will help to relieve the swelling. To avoid further swelling, you may choose to sleep in more upright position the first 2-3 nights after the treatment. The first morning post treatment is when swelling is more prevalent, especially under the eyes. Swelling may last 2-4 days.
- Avoid strenuous exercise and sweating for at least 24 hours, use gentle patting to wipe sweat off of treated skin
- Cleanse the skin two times a day with plain, lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser, beginning the morning after treatment. Use your hands and gentle patting motions. DO NOT rub, scrub, use an exfoliant or skin care brush such as a Clarisonic on the treated are
- Use soft cloth and soft towels to avoid any scrubbing
- Moisturiser should be applied generously with clean hands over treated area and reapplied whenever your skin feels dry. DO NOT apply any other products that were not instructed by your aesthetician – eg. essential oils, coconut oil, acids etc.
- SPF is a MUST and should be used daily beginning the day after treatment and used consistently for up to 3 months post procedure. Use a physical sunscreen with broadband UVA and UVB protection and a SPF of 30. Ensure to reapply during sun exposure.
- For general post-treatment discomfort, an over-the counter oral pain reliever such as paracetamol can be taken
- Make-up can be worn 24 hours after your treatment
- If an anti-viral was prescribed, continue to take as directed
- There may be some degree of swelling immediately post-treatment, however it is recommended that you contact the clinic and your aesthetician if you experience excessive swelling or any of the following signs of infection, including:
- Drainage – looks like pus
- Increased warmth at or around the treated area
- Fever
- Extreme itching
While complications are rare, they can occasionally arise, and we believe it’s important to discuss and understand these possibilities openly. We kindly ask patients to carefully follow the aftercare guidance provided, as this helps to minimise any risks and supports a smooth recovery.
The potential complications of Moxi 1927 nm laser are:
- Scarring- hypertrophic and non-hypertrophic
- Burns
- Hyperpigmentation
- Hypopigmentation
- Induced bruising or petechiae formation
- Edema
- Wound infection
If you need to rearrange or cancel your appointment for any reason, we operate with a 48 hour cancellation policy, therefore we kindly ask you to inform us within 2 working days if you are unable to attend your appointment.
When to Contact Us
If you have any concerns, have had a reaction or think you might have had a reaction, please contact us:
Phone: 020 7584 4777
Email: – please include photos if applicable.
Follow Up Appointments
If you would like to schedule a follow-up appointment or have any questions regarding future appointments, please contact us by:
- Phone: 020 7584 4777
- Email:
- Online: Book an appointment online here
Please click here to complete a short survey following your appointment today. The survey is completely anonymous and will take less than 2 minutes of your time.
We would love your feedback. Please leave us a review of your experience here.
We look forward to supporting you throughout your treatment journey and helping you achieve excellent results.