3a Montpelier Street, Knightsbridge, London, SW7 1EX

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Dr Sohère Roked

General Practitioner

MRCGP, Dip Study of Integrative Medicine, Cert BioIdentical
Hormone Therapy, Dip Reproductive and Sexual Health

Dr Sohère Roked is one of the most experienced bioidentical and body identical hormone doctors in the UK, having treated thousands of male (TRT) and female (HRT) patients in her career. She has also worked as a psychiatrist for three years.

Dr Roked

Dr Roked has worked with leading hormone experts around the world in Age Management Medicine and bioidentical hormones, including Dr Neal Rouzier, Cenegenics and the Academy For Anti-Ageing Medicine. She believes hormone balance is one of the foundations of health and wellbeing and ensures that her patients are treated with the latest advancements from around the world.

Dr Roked uses a combination of bioidentical and body identical hormones and functional medicine to enhance hormone optimisation; with nutrition, lifestyle changes and correction of other imbalances in the body.

Her patients get stellar results through her holistic approach where conventional medicine has failed. Dr Roked conducts a thorough initial consultation with each patient and examines a wide range of health indicators to assess the individual as a whole. These include nutrition, fitness, stress and digestive health as well as potential chemical imbalances and the presence of parasites, toxicity, chronic inflammation and body acidification. From here, she offers her patients the best of conventional, natural treatments and medicine. The goal is to decrease symptoms and restore the body back into balance.

She has also authored The Tiredness Cure, which has been internationally recognised. She is often quoted in the press as an expert on tiredness and women’s health and is often asked to speak at conferences about her chosen field.

Dr Sohère Roked treatment prices

Medical, hormone therapy & weight loss

Initial consultation£350
Initial review£300
Standard follow up£220
Short follow up£110
GP appointment£220
Weight loss consultation£250

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