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Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy Right For Me?

18 June 2021 | Ahmed Al Saraf

Testosterone Replacement Therapy, or TRT, is used to treat low testosterone levels in males. TRT has recently been advertised as a simple cure for tiredness. TRT can help to treat tiredness but there are some caveats. Only a doctor, like our team of experts at Omniya, can tell you whether you really need Male Hormone Replacement Therapy. This blog post will help you to understand:

What Is TRT Used For? How Do I Know If I Have Low Testosterone Levels?

TRT is used to treat significantly low testosterone levels in males. Testosterone is a hormone that plays an important role in male development. Furthermore, testosterone levels will gradually decline in men, beginning in their late 20s or early 30s. This is a natural process that happens to everybody but a significant drop in testosterone levels may cause more noticeable symptoms. These include:

An expert doctor from Omniya, Dr Sohère Roked, told us that “Your initial consultation will typically involve a face to face consultation with your clinician, where they will review your medical history, symptoms (in particular those that may indicate low testosterone), carry out a physical and psychological assessment, review your lifestyle, goals and aspirations, and obtain baseline blood markers.” Only after a doctor has seen your blood test results will they be able to determine if you have low testosterone levels.

How Do I Know If Male Hormone Replacement Therapy (TRT) Is Right For Me?

Male Hormone Replacement Therapy cannot simply be diagnosed using the symptoms mentioned above because they are also normal signs of ageing. Your doctor will take a blood test and determine whether you have low testosterone levels and will advise you on the best treatment. Visit the Omniya website to book a consultation in the TRT clinic.

How Will Male Hormone Replacement Therapy (TRT) Work?

TRT treatment will be prescribed after the doctor has received your blood test results. “Typically, the blood results from your initial male hormone replacement therapy consultation will be back with your doctor within 24 hours, although Free Testosterone results can take up to 3 working days”, Dr Sohère Roked told us. “You should expect a review appointment a week after your initial TRT consultation, once the doctor has received your test results.”

If you are suitable for TRT, your doctor will then discuss your treatment options for you, and prescribe them for you on the same day. Omniya has an in-house pharmacy that stocks the items your doctor may prescribe. The types of treatment can include

  • Gels
  • Injections
  • Capsules
  • Patches
  • Boosters

How Long Until I See The Results Of TRT?

TRT patients will usually “see a difference in mood after 2 months”, said Dr Sohère Roked from Omniya. Then, a difference in “stamina, muscle and reduced fat after 3 months.”

What Are The Side Effects Of Male Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Male Hormone Replacement Therapy has some side effects. These may include:

  • Acne
  • Increased breast size
  • Reduction in (or limiting of) sperm production due to testicle shrinkage
  • Red blood cell stimulation, increasing the risk of a blood clot
  • Patients who have prostate or breast cancer should not pursue Testosterone Replacement Therapy as it can stimulate the growth of cells.

Your doctor will always discuss the potential risks of the treatment with you in consultations before prescribing you the treatment.

How Much Does TRT Cost?

TRT will cost approximately £300 for an initial consultation with additional payments for the blood test and treatment.


TRT is a helpful treatment for those of you who have increased tiredness, low libido or sudden weight gain and can really help to boost your mood and confidence. There are some side effects and you should always talk to a doctor, like our experts at Omniya, before pursuing Male Hormone Replacement Therapy. If you want to find out whether TRT is the right treatment for you, book a consultation today by visiting the Omniya website.

Ahmed Al Saraf

Ahmed Al Saraf, co-founder and Superintendent Pharmacist of Omniya Clinic, brings decades of knowledge in functional and hormone medicine, aesthetic treatments, and cutting-edge pharmaceutical practices. Under his guidance, Omniya has become a leading clinic for patients seeking advanced aesthetic, medical, hormone related therapies and pharmaceutical services. Ahmed’s dedication to expanding the clinic’s healthcare vision continues to drive Omniya’s success and innovation in the field.

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